1. The Nutrition report by the Dept of agriculture in the USA
Human Nutrition Report no 2, US Department of Agriculture 1971, Benefits from Nutrition Research
Available at:
2. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine –Abram Hoffer’s journal
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: http://ajcn.nutrition.org/
3. The Japanese image of the Fukushima disaster nuclear cloud spread
Kodama Tatsuhiko “Radiation Effects on Health: Protect the Children of Fukushima “
Translation by Kyoko Selden. The Asia-Pacific Journal Vol 9, Issue 32 No 4
August 8, 2011. See the picture with the rings and the cloud below at:
4. The Debt Clock Graph: US National Debt Clock
See page 505 (Paper version of book)
For Ebook after reference 706 just before ref 707
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