Do you really believe that the 20 million children being drugged are mentally ill? This 2-minute video will hopefully ask you to consider this question.

Zac Bush MD. a triple-certified doctor explains why being scared of viruses makes no sense at all. We are surrounded by them, they are in our bodies in huge numbers and we have been living with them for millennia. Check this out, he is one of my favourite doctors. 23mins

The Secrets of Sugar – the fifth estate

Despite emerging research that suggests the sweet stuff may be making more of us fat and sick. In the fifth estate’s season premiere, Gillian Findlay digs into the surprising science — and the reaction from the food industry — to reveal The Secrets of Sugar. Has the sugar industry been hiding an unsavoury truth from consumers?

A critical-care physician at EVMS believes he has found something that has eluded medicine for centuries: a cure for sepsis. The disease kills more than 250,000 people in the U.S. annually and is responsible for eight million deaths globally each year. Learn more:




Pharma Not in Business of Health, Healing, Cures, Wellness. This is a very useful revelation from a pharmaceutical insider revealing what I had reported in Unhealthy Betrayal. Give this an airing, particularly if you hold the view that the pharmaceutical industry has your best wishes or that of your children at heart.

“Sugar the Elephant in The Kitchen” Dr Robert Lustig TED talks, 2013. 23 mins

A revelation about the tumour incidence in genetically modified food.

A film about the dangers of the herbicide Glyphosate,

Australian production warning about statin use part one

Australian film on statin use part two

Glyphosate found in popular American foods


Spy Drones Expose Smithfield Foods Factory Farms