Info on my most recent book

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How To Survive In the 21st Century

This is not just another book about health, it is about survival

What you need to know to survive in the 21st century—and not simply become another casualty.

Arriving in the wake of the current pandemic, its message has even greater relevance.

Do you know how many man-made pollutants you have floating around in your body right now?

Do you know what chemicals are most likely being passed on to your children?

Do you know that some of the chemicals are passed on via the umbilical cord and via breastfeeding?

Do you know how you build a strong immune system and how to keep it that way? And more, how it protects you from being another casualty?

Can you do anything about it?

The answer is ‘Yes you can, we all can.’

This book examines the major sources of our chemical exposure and looks at a number of factors that have direct implications for our health. Can serious diseases be prevented? Can we avoid falling prey to the ravages of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and infectious disease? We suggest that many of these conditions are metabolic illnesses and therefore much of this type of problem can be prevented by making simple changes to our lifestyles. We also suggest staying healthy and preventing disease, even with an infectious disease like Covid-19 there is a lot we can do to keep our body’s immune system functioning optimally.

What is more, we advocate the well-over-due reformation of agriculture. We advocate paying farmers to create fertile soil, which creates fertile and healthy plants, which creates fertile and healthy animals which include us. Currently, government subsidies actively encourage the form of industrial agriculture that destroys soil fertility and does not help the farmers that want to create healthy food.

We show how the destruction of our health is directly linked to corporate interests. Corporate behaviour is becoming seriously threatening to our health and welfare. Their pathological pursuit of profits above all else leads to a seriously unhealthy relationship, where they may actively damage our health but see this as not an issue for concern. Find out how they do this and what we can do to prevent this.

This book shows how this unhealthy state of affairs is further damaging as corporations actively seek to externalise their costs onto us as taxpayers, leaving us with the pollution and the clean-up costs for example, and the ever-increasing costs of healthcare due to the illness they create. This leads to massive profits which they use to subvert our governing institutions, regulatory bodies and our respective governments, making a mockery of our democracy.

This book suggests that urgent changes are required not just for our own survival, but for humanity as a whole.

We show how the solutions to all our health issues are available to us. We need to change our thinking. We need to become better informed to enable us not to join the ranks of the increasing number of victims and take charge of our health prospects, and that of our children and by doing so create a healthy and sustainable future, a world fit for humanity as a whole.

INITIAL REVIEWS For How To Survive In The 21st Century

Dave Goulson, Professor of Biology, Evolution, Behaviour and Environment, Sussex University.

“A powerful, disturbing and controversial insight into the way corporate greed is adversely affecting both planetary and human health and wellbeing, but with a hopeful finale pointing to a better future.”

Dr Vandana Shiva, Ecologist, environmental activist and writer (of more than 30 books)

“Let food be they medicine “ is what Hippocrates said. We are what we eat. However as Andrew Burgoyne Shows us In “How to Survive in the 21 st century”, chemicalisation of agriculture, toxics in our food, the pharmaceuticalisation of medicine, and the corporate hijack of our economy, threatens our health and our future.

Surviving in the 21 st century makes poison free food and farming a health and survival imperative. Having practised and studied ecological agriculture and promoted biodiversity in food systems for more than 3 decades I know it is possible. We can grow more food, and protect the health of the planet and our health if we align with the laws of nature, and recognise that industrial agriculture, industrial food and industrial medicine promoted by corporations is not based on science but propaganda and pseudo-science. And it is costing lives.


This is not just another book on health—it is a book about survival.

Andrew Burgoyne is a campaigner on health issues, monetary and democratic reform and in this, his third book, he reveals how we are surreptitiously being poisoned and deceived. The true impact industrialised agriculture and food supplies are having on our health is being severely downplayed.

He produces convincing evidence that our human-made chemical body burden is having far-reaching consequences not just on our health but also on our children’s health, and even the health of future generations.

This book, however, suggests that by making simple changes, dramatic transformation can be achieved. Some of the solutions do not just improve our health prospects and that of our children but have far-reaching consequences that can also impact the weather, the environment and directly aid in the prevention of global warming.

A common thread running through this work reveals how corporations that are responsible for the rapid demise of our health are becoming increasingly pathologically dangerous. Their single-minded pursuit of profits, no matter the cost to our health, and the manipulation of politics and the media by them is leading to the further demise of our health.

Burgoyne argues that we must radically change, or humanity will suffer further health collapse and may face the possibility of its own demise. He suggests that reforming agriculture and making corporations serve humanity would usher in a new renaissance, allowing humanity to flourish and create a sustainable future.

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